Collapse 2020 Books


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Collapse 2020 V1

  • Based on profound new discoveries
  • Undiscussed causes for global collapse 
  • New theory of human consciousness
  • Failures of capitalism and democracy

Collapse 2020 V2

  • Based on profound new discoveries
  • A new form of Democracy never seen before 
  • Approaches that inherently stop corruption
  • An approach that inherently blocks racial bias

LIARS! volume 1

Nanook was an Eagle Scout, chosen by national competition, for the 1964 North Pole Expedition. Arriving at base camp, he was told, “The expedition is CANCELLED.” Things went DOWNHILL from there – a nightmare of lies and government incompetence.

LIARS! volume 2

The nightmare continued. But, beneath it all, a silver lining emerged. A Navy base, at the top of the world, is an unbelievably safe place for geniuses that don’t fit in the lower 48 to hide. They explained the chaos of the world; they opened vistas the great universities of the world still haven’t touched. This book will blow your mind! 

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